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University freshers should ponder on pursuing objectives

University is a new and mysterious arena for the newly inducted students. Many of them falter on entry due to a lack of adequate briefing on how to grasp the best possible benefit to achieve the desired goals. Everyone needs to understand that education is not only bounded to developing skills in specific subjects, but its fulfilment also depends on implementing the earned skills for mankind embedded with morals and ethics. Therefore, education should be designed to help an individual to think clearly and act accordingly. Besides, developing subject matter expertise, a student at the tertiary level must ponder on inculcating qualities such as discipline, tolerance, empathy, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, learning ability, moral values, etc. This article aims to pen down some suggestive guidelines for the freshers of Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), which may also apply to other students.
BUP offers a kind of education that enables one to understand the realities better. In line with the commitment of BUP to providing education, it underscores the importance of outcome-based and need-based education. Outcome-based education focuses on achieving specific goals and ensuring students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their respective selected fields. Similarly, we recognise the importance of addressing our society’s specific needs and aspirations, strengthening the societal fabric, ethical standards, and moral values. One of the strategies of BUP is to create an environment where students’ strengths are developed, and they are empowered to pursue their dreams.
Certain values are highly esteemed and unbendable in BUP, and discipline is the utmost among those. In fact, it is one of those values that earned BUP its reputation in a very short period. Students are urged to be disciplined, and BUP ensures the appropriate environment to inculcate this quality. Moral and ethical values are two other top-priority elements for the students to acquire and display as they step into the new chapter of their lives. In this interconnected world, it is indispensable to remember that university students’ actions hold great power. Upholding principles of integrity, honesty, and respect for others will shape their character as well as give them the ability to influence the community they become a part of. Adoption of these values will guide them towards personal and professional success, and in the end, they will develop themselves as a good human being, which is the prime requirement.
Time management is another key aspect of university life. Pursuing knowledge of the rigours of academia can be demanding, but with effective time management, students can balance academic responsibility, extracurricular activities, and personal life. They need to learn how to prioritise objectives, set goals, and allocate time wisely, where periodical guidelines are provided by BUP. Time is a precious resource; meticulous time utilisation determines one’s accomplishments. To remain organised, students are expected to know time management techniques, and must not falter to utilise their time appropriately. They must be able to learn how to allocate specific time for a specific job.
Education is not limited to teaching people to know what they do not know; the meaning encompasses teaching them to behave where they are likely to falter. At university, a fresher should ponder on how to mould their behaviour to become a useful and contributing member of society. An individual’s learning outcome is felt by his/her conduct, especially in society as everyone continuously learns from the family and society as well. Therefore, it is to be remembered that all social learning may not be appropriate and ethical. As a university student, one should have the zeal to unlearn evil social practices, if there are any. At the same time, righteous social learning is essential for students as it not only contributes to academic development but also plays a crucial role in shaping their social, emotional, and interpersonal skills, which are vital for success in both academic and professional settings.
Every individual possesses a unique philosophy. Ideology must be shaped by an individual’s ethics, morals, and patriotism, and then onwards he/she must uphold it at any cost. Adequate effort must be put into developing oneself as a patriot. Patriotism is important for students because it cultivates a sense of national pride and inspires them to contribute to the country’s prosperity. These are especially crucial for students, as they are the vital forces of the nation and the hope for the future. Patriotism acts as a moral compass and motivates students to strive for excellence in their studies and future careers. It also plays a significant role in maintaining state security and building a strong and united community. Therefore, BUP places a strong emphasis on instilling patriotic values in its students.
University students need to remain physically, mentally, and spiritually fit. Maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is essential for overall health and a balanced lifestyle, and these are the core elements that can lead to a more fulfilling and holistic life. A student’s physical fitness facilitates synchronising with all other features like mental steadiness, moral values, and regular improvement. It enriches the psychological condition. Only physical or mental fitness cannot restore each other, as these are two diverse essentials, but both complement each other. The goal of physical education is not just to win matches but to promote education through sports and physical activities. Students cannot stay vigilant unless they are physically healthy, and they cannot maintain physical fitness if they are mentally disturbed. Mental and spiritual developments stand for essential elements of education which enable students to realise social and moral responsibilities and lead a man to become a leader.
In today’s phenomena, we cannot ignore the prevalence of drugs and their negative impacts on today’s world. Someone may start abusing drugs, thinking they can control it at any point. But soon, in most cases, drugs start abusing the individual. For that reason, students always need to stay away from the allure of drugs and substances that can tarnish someone’s future and life. Instead, students must channel their energy into positive pursuits. They should engage in healthy activities and surround themselves with friends who have positive minds to uplift and inspire. They must remember that their parents or guardians have made a lot of contributions to help them come to this stage. Students’ sacred duty is to keep their parents’ hopes alive and devote themselves to serving the purposes for which they are in the university.
Social media has brought a revolution in this digital age, where anyone’s voice can reach a global audience at any time. The phenomenon demands that everyone behaves sensibly while posting something and reacting to any post done by anyone else. Everyone’s digital footprints are perpetual. Hence, a single mistake can haunt someone for the rest of their life; therefore, one should always think carefully before clicking on any social media post. As a student of the present era, one may be habituated to using a smartphone but needs to inculcate the quality to be smarter to have control over it. Electronic gadgets must not outsmart the brilliant students studying at the university level.
Truth has a power of its own, and this era needs to speak 100% truth. It would be best to inculcate the habit of speaking the truth, even to the power. It ensures not only mental peace but also eternal peace in life and hereafter. Do not confound the truth by overlaying it with falsehood, nor knowingly conceal the truth (The Quran 2:42). It needs strong determination to develop this rare quality. Use the platform of BUP and develop this quality. There are huge differences between being able to achieve and failing to accomplish. Therefore, as a student of BUP, one should not leave any stone unturned to achieve their set objectives, which are very much possible for determined individuals.
University life will be of the most memorable and transformative for an individual’s life. Students need to accept the diversity of thoughts, cultures, and experiences they are likely to encounter in BUP. All should have the fearless and open mind to engage with their peers, faculty, and staff. They are acting as students’ invaluable resources on this intellectual journey. Students of BUP should immerse themselves in the vibrant campus atmosphere, participate in the events and activities, and make lifelong friendships that may contribute to shaping their future. Classroom interaction is the main mode of knowledge-sharing at the university. However, students should take advantage of resources like the library, and avail the opportunity to attend seminars, workshops, and guest lectures that may be on any subject to broaden their knowledge. Students are encouraged to explore the wide range of clubs available at the university. These extracurricular activities will provide them with a platform to pursue their passion and interests and will also help them foster teamwork, leadership, and personal growth. This will enrich their university experience and widen their horizons, but freshers need to balance their involvement to avoid overwhelming themselves. Every department or any particular subject offered at the university holds immense value. Each area of study provides unique opportunities for intellectual growth and personal fulfilment.
Freshers need to remember that their dreams are the driving force that will propel them forward and shape their journey through university and beyond. Everyone should have clear academic and personal goals but should remain open to adopting them based on new experiences and opportunities. Freshers should possess the attitude to embrace positive changes and learn from the challenges. They should stay curious and open-minded and develop the mentality of lifelong learning and the art of critical thinking. As a beginner in the university, everyone needs to remember that they should embark on this path of higher education with full devotion as their parents and guardians hold greater hopes for their future. Students need to realise that his/her parents have nurtured and supported them, and their parents’ dreams are intricately intertwined with their own. Parents wish to witness their sons’/daughters’ growth, to see them prosper, and to witness the realisation of their potential. It’s the students’ duty to carry their hopes in their hearts as parents have invested their love, time, and resources to provide them with today’s opportunity. The newcomers are advised to welcome the journey with gratitude and a sense of purpose. All should have a firm conviction that everyone’s dreams have the power to shape their destiny.
Md Mahbub-ul Alam, BSP, ndc, afwc, psc, MPhil, PhD is a serving Major General of Bangladesh Army and Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka.
